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Nursery and Child Care

Nursery and Child Care

The Trinity Nursery has been designed with toys and furniture for children birth to 36 months. SIGN IN your child or children when releasing them to the Trinity caregivers. Please sign them out upon departure. Our open door policy means that parents, grandparents or guardians are welcome at any time during the services.

Infants and toddlers are welcome at the communion rail with their parents.

Special Needs: Sometimes children four, five and six years old cannot “make it” through the rest of the service, even though they have been to Sunday School. Please check with the Nursery Supervisor: often, older children are welcome to work out the “fidgits” in the Nursery.

Children with special intellectual, physical or developmental needs are welcome in the Nursery. Please describe your child’s needs to the Nursery caregiver and provide her with your cell phone number “just in case”.

Older siblings are welcome in the Nursery as you drop off and pick up your younger children. However, please restrain them from using equipment and furniture designed for younger children as it presents a safety hazard and decreases the life of our materials.