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St Mary’s Altar Guild

DSCN0804Saint Mary’s Altar Guild is a working Guild comprised of people who carry out the weekly duties of caring for the altar and its vestments under the direction and guidance of the priest. The guild is responsible for preserving the reverence and beauty of the sanctuary.

DSCN0680The members prepare the sanctuary for the many services by cleaning and polishing, arranging altar flowers, preparing the linens and sacred vessels and setting the altar for Holy Eucharist. Members also prepare for baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals and other special services including high holy feast and fast days. The members are divided into 4 teams. Each team has one member designated as a mentor who is responsible for seeing that new members are properly trained in the various guild duties. One team is on duty each week with members rotating as the weekly captain responsible for seeing that all duties are accomplished that week. At least one member present at each service scheduled during the week. The exceptions are Holy Week, Easter and Christmas when all members are expected to help the team on duty.


The altar guild is supported by the church budget for providing the wine and bread for Holy Communion, for vestment cleaning and for the Bishop’s reception expenses. Donations for flowers and from memorials cover the costs of flowers, candles, linens, vestments and other items needed in the sanctuary.


The guild meets the first Wednesday of each month September through June. Most meetings are at 10 AM in the guild room. The September meeting is an evening meeting to allow working members the opportunity to attend. A Christmas luncheon is part of the December meeting and the June meeting is an evening picnic.

If you are interested in learning more about the altar guild or would like to become a member, please contact a current member, officer or our priest. We would love to have you join us.