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Kid’s Weekend Food Program

The Kids Weekend Food Program is a partnership between Trinity Episcopal Church and Port Gardner Community Church to provide weekend meals for students in need at North Middle School. We provide food for 3 dinners, 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches each week.  We are currently providing for 24 children with this program

Some examples of food we accept includes:

Canned Chili, soups, noodles, tuna fish, individually wrapped dry soup (Top Ramen), small dry Macaroni and Cheese boxes, snack bars, breakfast bars, granola bars, cheese and cracker snacks, packaged dried fruit, boxes of instant oatmeal in individual packets, individual boxes of fruit juice (8 packs), and small individual cups of fruit or applesauce.  We try to provide nutritious choices.

We can’t accept fresh fruit or vegetables or items requiring refrigeration.  Microwavable items can be used by some families.

Donations can be placed in the school bus kids cart in the narthex or dropped off at the church office during office hours.